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Whether your child is an active athlete or just a toddler jumping on the bed, there is a good possibility that he or she will take a spill.

The specialists at Shriners Children's provide prompt care for orthopedic injuries.

An extension of our specialized services offered to children with orthopedic conditions, Shriners Children’s provides care to children with non-emergent fractures. Our experienced team offers prompt care for children who have experienced a broken bone. At Shriners Children’s, your child has access to an examination, X-ray imaging, casting and world-class orthopedic surgeons. The ideal window for fracture care is seven to 10 days following injury to ensure swelling has subsided.


Our team offers comprehensive care for the treatment of fractures. Depending on the injury, services may include:

Splinting: A splint is used to keep in a broken bone in place, often attached to a rigid or flexible material. This protects and immobilizes the injured body part.

Reduction/re-alignment: Correction to a dislocated bone.

Casting: A cast is often made of fiberglass or plaster and keeps the fractured body part stable to allow the bone to heal.

Surgery: Under the care of our highly-trained surgical services team, under anesthesia, complicated fractures may be improved for better healing by an experienced orthopedic surgeon.

Post-fracture follow-up: Follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor and possibly continue treatments after the initial treatment.

Rehabilitation: Services such as physical therapy may be a part of your child's road to recovery from a fracture. Physical therapy, occupational therapy and more are available at Shriners Children's.

Patients with fractures should first seek treatment from their pediatrician/physician, local urgent care center or emergency room to evaluate and stabilize the condition. Shriners Children’s does not offer emergency room or urgent care services. Your physician can then arrange an appointment through our referral process. You may also call us directly to make arrangements.

So happy with our first visit at Shriners Children's. Very impressed. Everyone was happy, very personable and our service was fast. More intimate than another hospital we go to. We didn't feel like just a number.
Press Ganey Survey comment, Salt Lake City
patient in physical therapy session

Physical therapy builds strong bones

Physical therapy at Shriners Children's provides evidence-based, highly specialized care to improve mobility, strength and independence for your child. In treatment, the therapist may work on exercises to improve strength, balance, mobility and coordination. The therapist may also recommend assistive devices and equipment to improve functioning at home or in the community.

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Customized splinting is a common treatment at Shriners Children's for a variety of orthopedic conditions and injuries. From hands to arms to feet, our specialists will create the best splint to meet your child's needs.


Shriners Children's care team specializes in putting children at ease during casting, a common treatment for fractures.

Orthopedic Surgery

With their expertise in treating children from toddlers to teens, the pediatric orthopedic surgeons at Shriners Children’s understand the challenges of planning ahead for growing bones and bodies.

Next Steps

Request an Appointment

Families and caregivers seeking treatment should start by contacting us for an appointment.

Log in to the Patient Portal

Parents and guardians of existing patients can email, request records, schedule appointments and more.

Refer a Patient

Physicians and healthcare providers can request appointments, start transfers or contact us with questions.